Thursday, September 15, 2016

Leaving London

As most of you may know, or maybe you don't, I've been living in London for the past two years. I moved because of my graduate program at East 15 Drama School, and what an amazing two years I had. 

If you doubt how much fun it was, then enjoy this walk down memory lane that is totally out of order chronologically.

Of course, chapters must end at some point....and so my chapter in London has ended (for now).

This means that I have moved back to sunny San Diego, California. It is definitely sunny, it is definitely warm, and it is definitely weird to be back. It's strange knowing that I will be here for more than two weeks, which was the average visiting time whenever I would come back before. It is weird knowing that my immediate future is here in San Diego. It is just, well, weird.

I know a part of my heart is in the UK. I made so many wonderful friends, experienced amazing opportunities, and I am beyond grateful for every moment I had. I was able to visit Scotland, Paris, Greece, and South Africa. I had unique life moments that I will always treasure. I am honestly having a hard time verbalizing all the wonderful things I loved about my two years because my thoughts are running faster than my fingers can type the thoughts out. 

I am weirded about by being back in California, but I know it's a step towards where I am headed next. Where am I headed next? Who knows. I have always been a highly ambitious human being, and my attempt to stay in United Kingdom was foiled but my spirit has not been. I don't know when I'll be back in London...well, that's not entirely true but that's a future blog post's problem. Either way, I don't know when I'll be back permanently and am intrigued to see the path I take from here.

This blog post is more of a walk down memory lane rather than something profound or deep. It is the ultimate throwback Thursday, I suppose. Two years of throwback! I don't know what is happening next, but I am looking forward with hope and excitement. 

#throwback #WanderingNotLost #Okay #DoneWithHashtags

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