Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011, hello friend!

Semester one of college? Done.
Grade point average? 3.38.
Sense of accomplishment? Indeed.

I never thought I'd be a freshmen in college, let alone be done already with my first semester. It went by so incredibly fast that I find it difficult to think that it is 2011 and I am about to begin my second semester. In a nut shell, I'm amazed. It feels as if I blinked and it was Christmas break, though I know very well that it wasn't that easy.
Now with the new year I am thinking of all the things I want to do in 2011. Of course, theatre is going to be woven in there but what things have I not done that I've wanted to do? (Within reason, of course!) For starters, I am attempting to be an ASM (assisstant stage manager) for the very first time. I wasn't sure what to expect with such a task, but I'm finding that it's almost more fun than acting itself. Learning all the different jobs in theatre has definitely been thrilling, to say the least.
But....there has to be more than just school work, right? Of course! I'm young, I have a car...if there's a will, there's a way!
Alas, nothing out of the ordinary or spectacular comes to mind. Maybe I'll try new recipes for baking...(Oh yeah, I bake like no other. But it's the usual, traditional confections.) Or maybe I'll finally bungee jump! (A girl has to have dreams!)

I think I'll start small. Set small goals. Reach them. Accomplish the crap out of them. And move on to the next one. Then they can start getting bigger...and bigger. That sounds like a solid plan.

Goal 1? Enjoy the last week of my break. (I think I can do this, though it could be trying.)

To end my first post, I think I'll get a little creative....

There's confidence in me.
And in 2011, my friend.
With you, I will start a new trend.
The past year could be called...rocky.
But I say hello, my friend.

2010 is so cocky,
with a high brow attitude.
Seething with jealousy
I greet my clean slate with gratitude

There is much to do, amigo.
But you and I...
we're a dynamic duo.
Bring on the fun!
Hard work, if you must.
I promise you,
I am far from done.

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