Monday, October 22, 2012

Happiness Missed This Train Today...

It is currently three in the morning.
The minutes will tick by, and I will be sitting here criss-cross-apple sauce on the conference room floor.
I will be sitting here with tears in my eyes.
I will be sitting here with mountains of work to do.
I will be sitting here tired.
I will be sitting here emotionally spent.
I will be sitting here anxious.
I will be sitting here sore.
I will be sitting here.
I will be sitting.
Sitting. Sitting. Sitting.

This is clearly not an uplifting post, but I'm tired and needed to vent some before I got back to writing one of my papers. I'm just...spent.
I'm butter in the bottom of the tub that just isn't quite enough for your toast.
Too thin.
Too little.
Not enough.

I'm overwhelmed. I'm weak. I'm broken.
Right now, I need God more than ever before.
I suppose we say that often though, "I need God more than I ever have ever before this moment in crisis which won't seem that bad when I look back on it." I know I say it often.
I ache for my bed and for peace of mind.
And for maybe there to be less homework assigned. That'd be nice. A fat chance, but it'd be nice.

I don't know my purpose for this post, other than to just feel weak and accept it. I'll be better in the morning, when I'm no longer sitting and sitting and sitting. At least...that's what I hope.
3:03am. Three minute blog post of absolutely no substance. Amazing.

Pray for me.

Monday, October 15, 2012


Blogging is clearly not my forte, guys.
  We do so much here and ball so hard that I barely have time to sleep.
But actually...I went to bed at 3:30am yesterday, then woke up 3.5 hours later. That's awesome, right?
And weeks...
And months...
And years...
And lifetimes...

       Okay, I'm being melo-dramatic but I had to emphasize all the time we spend doing homework. And somehow, some way...we are supposed to go out and see the city? Oh please, what do I look like? A magician? I'M NOT. The only solution I have found to doing homework, getting it done on time, and seeing the city is to sacrifice sleep.
In the words of my fellow London mates, "YOILO" <---for you ignorant fools, it is You're Only In London Once. This statement is not exactly true, but you know what...leave us alone. Stop being a stickler!

Wanna know what's awkward? 
I am so sorry.
   I've been busy, no one nags at me about posting, and insert all my other excuses.
I'm out seeing the city of London!
Yeah, that's what I'm doing!
Don't judge me.

So...I have a lot of catching up to do, haha. Awkward.
Let's see, we can start with September...


We did Hamlet stuff, including a group class and seeing the production. Laertes...well, hello. ;)
We also had a huge birthday party, it was pretty baller. There's video evidence of it somewhere, just blame Olivia. It was so much fun and competitive and fattening and delightful
Andrew Fowble went to Spain, but no one cares.
We also saw the best play of the semester: Troilus and Cressida. So....good? Well, not really.
But actually, this play was really, really, really...not good. I can't even pretend it was any good. I don't even know how to describe this show. It was an odd production.
The next thing we did was go to the Paralympics. No biggie, right?
We saw Doctor's Dilemma at the National Theatre.
We saw my most favorite Shakespeare production at the Globe, Richard III. MARK RYLANCE. AHHHHHHHHH. It was so good.
We had Andy here for a filming weekend, and that was hectic. BUT they recently showed one of the end products in Chapel, it looked awesome, so all our work was fruitful.
Somewhere in this month I went to Spain with Katie Callahan, which was so much fun!
Me encanta Barcelona!
The next big thing we did was go on our ten day UK exploration. We went to:
  1. Bath
    1. Went to the Roman Baths.
    2. Bizzare Bath comedy walk, so hilarious. Noel did it so it was originally hilarious. He reminded me a lot of the comedy in One Man, Two Guvnors.
  2. Liverpool
    1. We went to a Catholic Cathedral.
    3. Deep conversations, affirmation circles, biggest hot chocolate in the world, ex-boyfriend stories inspiring Olivia. 
  3. Chester
    1. I have no comment. Olivia, Savannah, and I buckled under pressure and had Starbucks. DON'T JUDGE US. Everything dies at 5pm, especially on a Sunday. Laaaaaaamesst medieval town ever. 
  4. Stratford Upon Avon: (SUA)
    1. Here we saw Comedy of Errors, Twelfth Night, and The Tempest. I met the cast. I died. I loved it. I could have lived in the Royal Shakespeare Company, I really could have. 
    2. We went to Warwick Castle.
    3. Saw Shakespeare's birthplace and Anne Hathway's cottage. There was a kitty, and I loved it. Then there was Bubbles, the cat, who followed me for quite some time. 
The ten day trip was...interesting. The beds got better and better, ending with the Bed and Breakfast in SUA being awesome. I got my own bed and everything! sleep. I miss sleep. I should be sleeping now, but I'm writing this so people don't riot in the streets.

Haha, like it's really that big of a deal.
I tweet and Facebook enough to satisfy people's updating needs, because no one complains about this being almost a month and a half late. 

As for October, we have resumed classes and stuff at the Highbury Centre. My bed here is absolutely awesome. I adore it. We've seen Warhorse, which was a stunning production. I sat next to BNaylor, who is a horse back rider so I knew she'd love this and would be an awesome person to sit with. 
We've also seen Much Ado About Nothing, set in India, as part of the World Shakespeare Festival. We also saw a sketchy pub production Great Expectations, where a real spider crawled across my face.

I think I am due to update my celebrity counter too!
My celebrity tally:
  1. Alfie Enoch (5 times....seriously?)
  2. Three Venezuelan Olympic Swimmers
  3. Destinee Hooker
  4. Michael Ball
  5. Imelda Staunton
  6. Luke Brady
  7. Jamie Parker
  8. Simon Russell Beale
  9. Fionna Shaw
  10. Russel Brand
  11. Ginger Spice
  12. Stunt double for Timothy Spall
  13. The cast of the Shipwreck trilogy for the RSC
  15. The understudy for Stanley Stubbers in One Man, Two Guvnors. I forgot his name. Don't judge me.
  16. Owain Arthur
Celebrities on my list:
  1. Fionna Shaw
  2. Arthur Darvill
  3. Matt Lewis
  4. Mark Rylance
  5. Stephen Fry
  6. Samuel Barnett
    In other updating news, my sister left recently. She visited me for a week and it was a marvelous time. I really miss her, I really miss home, I miss my cat, my parents, grandparents, friends, not living out of suitcases....the simple things in life, haha. I cried a lot when she left, it was kinda a hot mess. But she got to go to Paris for a day, see all the major London sights, and we went to Edinburgh, Scotland for an entire day and had a most wonderful time together. 

It's funny, I was told things would slow down after the ten day trip.
I laugh in the face of that statement.
Things fly at high speed here, I think time moves faster...but I could be wrong. It's been known to happen once or twice. 

   We go to Wales this coming weekend, which should be fun. Then Megan Moran, my long lost ginger twin cousin, is coming to visit the weekend after, then we go to Paris where I hopefully will see her again and Matt, then the program only has two weeks till I go home.

November 17th, 7:30 pm.
I come in like, 34 days
time, what're you doing? 

   I won't lie...going home will be nice. I miss my friends from home, I miss the theatre, I miss acting and being involved, I miss Charity, I miss cooking, I miss baking, I miss my parents and grandparents, I miss smothering the hell out of my cat, I miss sleeping in, I miss Brooke, I just...miss. I miss a lot. So much missing, 34 days until I stop. But I bet you money then I'll miss London.

I know I'll miss it here. I love it.
   Despite all those things I miss, I absolutely adore this experience and everything that I am experiencing here. It makes me long so much for my future and what God has planned for me. Hopefully it is a good performance master's degree at a great school where I'll perform all the time and get magnificent and be able to go and be successful. Maybe some marriage and other stuff thrown in there... I should just focus on tomorrow, live one moment at a time.

In this moment, sleep calls to me. 

Goodnight room Goodnight room

Goodnight cow jumping over the moon

Goodnight light and the red balloon
Goodnight bears Goodnight chairs
Goodnight kittens and Goodnight mittens

Goodnight clocks and goodnight socks

Goodnight little house and Goodnight mouse

Goodnight comb and Goodnight brush
Goodnight nobody Goodnight mush

And Goodnight to the old lady whispering "hush"
Goodnight stars Goodnight air
Goodnight noises everywhere