Monday, August 20, 2012

Why, oh, why would I want to be anywhere else?

Hey, remember that one time I told you I was awful at keeping up with blogging?
You don't?
Well. I'm awful at keeping up with blogging.
If you think this is bad, you should have seen me yesterday. I was VERY behind in my there's that. BUT I am all caught up, therefore prepared for class.
Of course when I was most prepared for class with didn't matter. Booooo.

Anyway, Hi. I'm Alyssa. I am in London. I don't want to leave. But I do. Ahhhh, inner conflict.

I'm sorry for being to scatter brained...sometimes I trail off and just talk about the most random things. My thoughts are kinda everywhere right now, but it is 10 something in the morning so I feel like I'm allowed to be a little scattered.
If you don't think so, then boo on you.
Boo is my word for the day.
Not really, I've only said it a couple times

Okay, time to focus and make a little more sense.

Welcome! Bienvenidos! Bonjour! (I am so cultured, you can tell by the three languages I used.) I am loving London. Here is a list of things we've done/seen:

  • We saw A Midsummer Night's Dream at the Open Air Theatre, it was a modern imterpretation set in the world of Travelers, like My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, SO. COOL. AND FUNNY.
  • Went to the Imperial War Museum.
  • Spent the day at the Olympic Park
  • Met three Male Venezuelan Olympic Swimmers (that Lucas and I hunted down as a team)
  • Saw The Trojan War and Agamemnon
  • Went to St. Barnabus (Barneys)
  • Went to Speakers Corner, which is where people get up on their soap boxes and preach their message about whatever they want to preach about. People get really heated but it is such an exciting experience!
  • Toured the BBC, which was super cool awesome!
  • Went to Wesley Chapel, where John Wesley started his ministry and lived and was buried. We also talked to Lord Reverend Leslie that's kinda wicked awesome.
  • Saw London Road and the National Theatre, GOOD MORNING WELCOME. WELCOME. youautomaticallythinkitcouldbehimHAHA.
  • Toured Parliament and educated myself about all those British aspects of government. 
  • Saw The Revenger's Tragedy at a pub! Pub theatre = super interesting and cool.
  • Attended a church service at Hillsong.
  • MET DESTINEE HOOKER FROM THE WOMEN'S USA VOLLEYBALL TEAM. And I got to see her giant silver medal, in person, with my eyes.
Those are all the highlights...kinda. A lot has happened since I last posted, but it's all been great! You know what else is great? How attractive this country is. Olivia, a friend on the trip, says I have a super power. This super power is that I attract men, all men no matter what they are doing (like actors in shows that make sexy eyes at me...) and I have the talent for finding famous people. If they are male, they will be attractive. So...there you go. I'm a super hero. So far my super power has gotten me 6 famous people and lots of cat calls. I don't enjoy the latter part much because it's creepy.

How did I get on that tangent? Oh, yes. We'll blame Olivia...shhh, don't tell her. 

Well, I think that's enough recap. I'll try to be better about posting but I can't make any promises. I should have lots to say at the end of the week, we're seeing Henry V and Timon of Athens AND taking a tour of the, I'll probably have a theatre geek out moment. 

On a note about Olivia, she has a vlog. For those of you who don't live and breath the internet, it's like a blog but a video instead. It's much cooler than reading! This is the link to the first video:

Something you will find as a theme in her vlogs, as more start to appear, is that she always catches me eating. Basically, it's the sexiest thing you've ever seen. I don't understand how I'm single, to be honest. I am just the most attractive lady around town. ESPECIALLY when I'm eating, I mean other people look awful but I make (I laughed when I wrote this, laughed real hard.) 

I think I've punished you enough...if you've even made it this far in reading. You probably stopped...but feel free to comment if you didn't! Or ask questions! Or something...!